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i try to look in the eyes of the passers-by

now i know this is not exactly appropriate work attire but luckily for me i can get by with almost anything at work. i do get the occasional weird looks just because i don't dress like everybody else there, but i don't mind. leggings always make me so self conscious. i feel the need to constantly cover myself for fear of over exposing certain areas. but today i decided to take a risk and wore them with two long tank tops and a long cardigan (not pictured here). i was counting on the panda print to distract everybody's attention. not sure if i fully achieved that but at least it made me fell better about the hole thing. one other thing, everything i am wearing is new, by which i mean not thrifted. on one hand it makes me feel fresh and hip and cool but on the other hand i feel like i am cheating my wardrobe, most of which is thrifted. for some reason i always feel the need to incorporate at least one thrifted item in my daily outfits, it makes me feel i am a better person.

tank tops: bershka * leggings: stradivarius * shoes: dgm


  1. SO COOL. This outfit is killer. And that first pic is killer!! LOVE it. You look GORGEOUS.

  2. ah! I love love love your tank. adorable everything!!

  3. You look so pretty! You can totally pull off the legging look; I could never!

  4. i so love what you are wearing, love love love it! my favorite outfit of you till date!

  5. nice outfit :)

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  6. Working in IT, I definitely do not dress like the other people in my department, so I can sympathize with the occasional weird look. If they laugh when they see me, then I know it’s a good outfit! :)
