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Summer is a state of mind

Catalog vara Iulius Mall Timisoara

Cateodata limba romana pare prea saraca pentru a descrie anumite stari, lucruri sau actiuni. Vara e pentru mine mai mult decat un anotimp, este o stare, un mod de viata. Spre exemplu, in engleza, "vara" poate fi folosit ca verb - "to summer" pentru a descrie locul sau modul in care iti petreci timpul sau vacanta. Vara se traieste altfel, vara suntem mai activi, mai sociabili, mai indrazneti si asta se observa si in felul nostru de a ne imbraca. Nu ne mai ascundem sub atatea straturi de haine, avem mai multa grija de corpul nostru, fie din motive de sanatate fie din vanitate, si suntem mult mai relaxati. Atunci cand mergem la piscina sau la plaja, la sala de fitness sau pur si simplu in oras cu prietenii, alegerile noastre vestimentare sunt mult mai lejere, mai comfortabile si practice si exprima starea noastra de spirit.

Sometimes Romanian, my mother tongue, is not fully able to describe certain states, things or actions. Summer for me is more than a season, it's a state of being, a way of life. For example in English, summer can be used as a verb - "to summer" in order to designate the place or the way you spend your time or your vacation. We live summer differently, we are more active in the summer, more sociable, more daring and this is reflected also in the way we dress. We don't hide underneath so many layers of clothing, we take better care of our bodies, either for health reasons, or out of vanity, and we are more relaxed.When we go to the pool or to the beach, the gym or simply going out with out friends, our sartorial choices are more light, comfortable and practical and they express our state of mind.

Catalog vara Iulius Mall Timisoara

Catalog vara Iulius Mall Timisoara

Catalog vara Iulius Mall Timisoara

Exact starea asta de vara am vrut sa o evoc atunci cand cei de la Iulius Mall Timisoara m-au provocat sa compun cateva tinute pentru noul lor catalog de vara. M-am gandit sa va propun cateva tinute pt plaja, sala de sport dar si tinute casual pe care le puteti purta atat in vacanta cat si la o iesire in oras. Recunosc, sala de sport mi-e putin straina, si cred ca se vede ca nu sunt tocmai in elementul meu atarnand de suportul ala pentru tractiuni, dar am vrut sa schimb putin rolurile si sa ma provoc sa ies din zona de confort. Asa ca modelele au pozat in posturi de yoga iar eu mi-am pus mintea cu aparatele. Costumele de baie colorate arata demential pe pielea bronzata, dar am propus si un costum de baie negru intreg si elegant, pe care il puteti purta seara cu o fusta la o petrecere la piscina. Pentru zi am ales o tinuta practica pentru cele pasionate de longboard, o rochie neagra vaporoasa si o salopeta multicolora de care m-am indragostit iremediabil.
Va invit sa rasfoiti catalogul online aici. Prietenele mele LauraAdriana si Rox au participat alaturi de mine la realizarea lui, si sper sa va placa tinutele propuse de noi!

I wanted to express this exact state of summer when the team at Iulius Mall Timisoara challenged me to create some outfits for their summer catalog. I thought I would suggest some outfits for the beach and the gym, but also some casual outfits you could wear either on vacation or on a night out in the city. I have to admit, I am a stranger to the gym, and I think it shows in the pictures above that I am not quite in my element hanging there while trying to do pull-ups, but I wanted to reverse the roles and challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone. Therefore the models posed in yoga asanas and I gave the machines a try. The colorful swimsuits look awesome against the bronzed skin, but I also suggested a black elegant swimsuit you could also wear at night with a skirt at a pool party. For day wear I chose a practical outfit for the longboard enthusiasts, a flowy black dress and a multicolored jumpsuit that I hopelessly fell in love with. 
Please see the full online catalog here. My friends LauraAdriana si Rox also participated in the creation of this catalog and I really hope you will enjoy the outfits we proposed!

Catalog vara Iulius Mall Timisoara

Catalog vara Iulius Mall Timisoara

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Wardrobe remix: 5 ways to style the little black dress

Wardrobe remix: 5 ways to style the little black dress
See the full post here

The little black dress or LBD is the most versatile piece in every girl's closet. One is enough to provide endless styling possibilities and serve various occasions. It's just a matter of finding the right desing for you. But if you guys are addicted to black like I am, you probably own more than one little black dress. If you are not sure which one is right for your body type, or you are not sure which one works for that special occasion, I have prepared five black dress types you can wear the year around. Hope my styling choices will inspire you. 

Wardrobe remix: 5 ways to style the little black dress
See the full post here

Wardrobe remix: 5 ways to style the little black dress
See the full post here

Wardrobe remix: 5 ways to style the little black dress
See the full post here

Wardrobe remix: 5 ways to style the little black dress
See the full post here

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The crop top look that doesn't reveal too much

The crop top look that doesn't reveal too much

Here is my 3rd look of the series, in collaboration with Tobi. I wanted to style their ivory Set Free Strapless Crop Top in a casual everyday look that you can wear while running errands on a hot summer day. While I do love crop tops, the idea of revealing my stomach is not very appealing to me, especially now that I am still clinging to some post baby fat. So I had to figure out a way to cheat and only show a teeny tiny portion of skin, while covering the dreaded area. I went for a high waisted pencil skirt with cut-out details, and I am really digging this combo. I figured I could wear the ruffled top to the beach or to the pool as well, I think it would look great with a pair of high waisted bikini bottoms. I told you I am always looking for various and unexpected ways to wear a certain piece when I make the decision to add it to my ever expanding wardrobe.

crop top: Tobi
skirt: H&M Trend
sandals: Asos
bag: Kurtmann
necklace: random

white strapless ruffled crop top

white strapless ruffled crop top

white strapless ruffled crop top

white strapless ruffled crop top
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Currently coveting: one piece swimsuits

one piece swimsuit

I am not much of a sunbather, so the idea of a one piece swimsuit is really starting to grow on me. While on vacation I am more interested in swimming rather than getting my tan on. Here are some awesome options I found online, hopefully they will inspire you as well. 

1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6

one piece swimsuit

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Dark necessities are part of my design

Dark necessities are part of my design black plunging fringe dress

I never knew how much I needed a fringe dress in my wardrobe until I got one. And wait till you see it in action! I love the way it moves, the fringe bouncing with my every step. It's got everything I want in a dress: it's black for one, it has great design, an amazing plunging back and just the right amount of side boob :) and of course, it has great movement. It's the perfect summer dress, and I don't want to take it off. I can assure you this dress will definitely steal the show, whether you're just walking down the street or dancing to your favorite track at an outdoor party. I take my previous statement back, this is actually the perfect summer party dress! Go for that sexy vibe with a pair of high heel sandals and a floppy hat, or take it out to a music festival with a pair of high top Converse, a choker necklace and a bucket bag. However you decide to style it, I guarantee this fringe dress is a keeper!

dress: Tobi
sandals: Zara
hat: H&M
black plunging fringe dress

black plunging fringe dress

black plunging fringe dress

black plunging fringe dress

black plunging fringe dress

black plunging fringe dress

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5 yoga poses for mom and baby

yoga poses for mom and baby

I thought I'd break the outfit posts routine and do a different post today. This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but as you can imagine, it's not so easy with a toddler around. I knew posing with my baby girl would prove difficult so I kept postponing it. Turns out we got this done in less than 10 minutes and Rei was super cooperative. She's 7 and a half months old now, and I thought by now I would be able to practice yoga at least once a week and I would be back to my pre-pregnancy body. As you will notice in the photos below, it's not quite the case,  but I am working on it. Finding time to practice yoga is the biggest challenge, so I try to do it when she is asleep or playing, but on the other hand that's also the time when I need to cook, clean the house, do laundry, eat, shower and the list can go on. It's still early, but I though it would be fun to include her in my practice. She will soon enough start to imitate me and maybe she will get the hang of it. So here are a couple of poses you can do with you baby. 

1. Butterfly pose  (Baddha konasana)
Sit down, bend your knees and press the soles of your feet together. Pull the heels towards your pelvis, exhale and drop the knees to the sides. You can either cross your fingers and hold your toes or you can grasp just the big toe of each foot. Straighten you back, inhale and bring your knees up, exhale and bring them back towards the floor. The up and down movement is what makes this similar to a butterfly flapping its wings. As you can see baby Rei is way better than me at this.

yoga poses for mom and baby

2. Sphinx pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)
Lie on your belly with your legs together and rest your forearms on the floor. The elbow should be right below the shoulder. Inhale and lift your head and upper torso up into a mild backbend. Your belly should not touch the floor. This will give a nice massage to your lower back and it also hels relieve stress.

yoga poses for mom and baby

3. Lower plank pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
This is actually a variation of the plank pose, but I like it better because... well, because it's easier to maintain. You start in sphinx pose and you lift your body up and come on your toes. There should be a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Maintain for at least 30 seconds and then go back to the sphinx pose and relax. Repeat a couple of times. This does wonders for the abdomen. As you can see, I still got a bit of excess skin and my abs are not as toned as they used to be, so I really need to do this more often. Place the baby underneath you for motivation, and she will love reaching out and playing with your your nose and lips.

yoga poses for mom and baby

4. Boat pose (Paripurna navasana)
Sit on the floor, exhale and bend your knees, then lift your legs off the floor. The angle between your legs and thighs should be 90 degrees. Slowly raise your upper body up with your arms stretched alongside your legs. One way to include the baby in this posture is to use it as a counterweight, as I have, or you can place the baby on your belly. Careful not to lose your balance with this one, especially if the baby is squirmy. 

yoga poses for mom and baby

5. Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lie down on your back, bend your knees and place both feet firmly on the mat. Bring the heels as close as possible to your buttocks. Place the baby on your belly, inhale and lift the buttocks as high as you can. Spread the legs a little bit and push the knees forward. Maintain the pose for at least 30 seconds, exhale and gently role the spine down on the floor.
sports bra: H&M
tights: Stradivarius
mat: Adidas
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Miracle aligner

Tobi light blue romper peplum

For today's post I partnered up with Tobi, a Los Angeles based company that caters to cool chicks around the globe, to bring you something fun and fresh. This is the first post of the series and I decided to take their 'Lost in the moment peplum romper' out for a spin. I can't believe it's been 10 years already since my summer in LA, and despite the fact it's been so long since I was there, I still feel I have a bit of a Cali girl vibe in me. I might be 10 years older, but my spirit is still young and wild. You know me, I love showing off my tattoos and can't stay away from bare shoulders and open backs. So when I saw the details on this piece I knew it was the right match for me. The peplum was an added bonus, and it's supper flattering. You know how sometimes rompers can make you look like a toddler... well, not this one! I love the color and it would look even better against a tanned skin, but I rather love my pale complexion so there won't be any sunbathing any time soon for me. 

romper: Tobi
bag: New Look
sandals: Benvenuti

Tobi light blue romper peplum

Tobi light blue romper peplum

Tobi light blue romper peplum

Tobi light blue romper peplum

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Going back to my natural hair color

Going back to my natural hair color

This might surprise you, but the decision to go back to my natural hair color has been one of the most difficult I had to make in recent years. I've been experimenting with hair colors for half my life. I went from all shades of red, to black, purple, orange, peach, turquoise, blonde and everything in between. I was never afraid to experiment with color and I had so much fun along the way. My hair has not been damaged in the process and I never regretted my choices. But I've been thinking about a change for quite a while now. Maybe I was trying to settle down to a more familiar tone now that I am a mother, or maybe I've exhausted my options. I can't quite pinpoint was exactly drove me to this decision. I last dyed my hair last year in May and I knew I wanted to let it grow out for a while, give it a break, some room to breathe and to regenerate. I had a very specific vision for how my new hair should look like, so I made an appointment with Jenci, my favorite hairstylist at Dichiseria. We decided the best option was to color the blonde strands in my natural hair color, while leaving out a few and dye them purple in order to obtain a nice effect. Needless to say I am over the moon excited with the way it turned out, it's exactly what I imagined.
I know I've said this before, but I am a Leo, so I take great pride in my mane. You'll have to excuse me but I get overly excited when it comes to talking about my hair! I almost forgot that I need to mention this brand new white dress I have added to my collection. I told you this summer I'll be wearing lots of whites. This is not entirely my style, it's more serious than what I have accustomed you with here on the blog, but I like it because it has a certain degree of gravitas. It was about time my sartorial choices became more serious! Is matronly the word I am looking for? Nah, I wouldn't go that far.

sandals: Mango
sunglasses: H&M

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

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Take me to church

take to to church white cut-out top ruffles skirt

I don't actually go to church, can't even remember the last time I was in one, but we took these photos in the back of a catholic church downtown and Hozier's lyrics came to mind. I guess I could say this crisp white top reminds me somehow of the monastic robes. If it wasn't for the cut-out details on the top and the length of my skirt, maybe this could be appropriate for church. Maybe, I don't know. If I was a bit younger and more daring, I might have even worn this top as a dress. I guess the length is a bit tricky for someone like me with a long torso, as it's quite long for a top and short for a dress. I found the best solution was to wear it over a ruffled skirt in a peach tone. I really love the layering effect. It would work with skinny jeans as well, but it's way too hot for that right now. I'm sure you'll be seeing me wearing this top all summer long, I'm quite into wearing lots of whites this season.

skirt: thrifted
hat: H&M
sunglasses: similar here
sandals: Zara
bag: Nowistyle

white cut-out top ruffles skirt

white cut-out top ruffles skirt

white cut-out top ruffles skirt

white cut-out top ruffles skirt

white cut-out top ruffles skirt

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