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Going back to my natural hair color

Going back to my natural hair color

This might surprise you, but the decision to go back to my natural hair color has been one of the most difficult I had to make in recent years. I've been experimenting with hair colors for half my life. I went from all shades of red, to black, purple, orange, peach, turquoise, blonde and everything in between. I was never afraid to experiment with color and I had so much fun along the way. My hair has not been damaged in the process and I never regretted my choices. But I've been thinking about a change for quite a while now. Maybe I was trying to settle down to a more familiar tone now that I am a mother, or maybe I've exhausted my options. I can't quite pinpoint was exactly drove me to this decision. I last dyed my hair last year in May and I knew I wanted to let it grow out for a while, give it a break, some room to breathe and to regenerate. I had a very specific vision for how my new hair should look like, so I made an appointment with Jenci, my favorite hairstylist at Dichiseria. We decided the best option was to color the blonde strands in my natural hair color, while leaving out a few and dye them purple in order to obtain a nice effect. Needless to say I am over the moon excited with the way it turned out, it's exactly what I imagined.
I know I've said this before, but I am a Leo, so I take great pride in my mane. You'll have to excuse me but I get overly excited when it comes to talking about my hair! I almost forgot that I need to mention this brand new white dress I have added to my collection. I told you this summer I'll be wearing lots of whites. This is not entirely my style, it's more serious than what I have accustomed you with here on the blog, but I like it because it has a certain degree of gravitas. It was about time my sartorial choices became more serious! Is matronly the word I am looking for? Nah, I wouldn't go that far.

sandals: Mango
sunglasses: H&M

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

white lace midi dress rochie alba dantela

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