Cateodata limba romana pare prea saraca pentru a descrie anumite stari, lucruri sau actiuni. Vara e pentru mine mai mult decat un anotimp, este o stare, un mod de viata. Spre exemplu, in engleza, "vara" poate fi folosit ca verb - "to summer" pentru a descrie locul sau modul in care iti petreci timpul sau vacanta. Vara se traieste altfel, vara suntem mai activi, mai sociabili, mai indrazneti si asta se observa si in felul nostru de a ne imbraca. Nu ne mai ascundem sub atatea straturi de haine, avem mai multa grija de corpul nostru, fie din motive de sanatate fie din vanitate, si suntem mult mai relaxati. Atunci cand mergem la piscina sau la plaja, la sala de fitness sau pur si simplu in oras cu prietenii, alegerile noastre vestimentare sunt mult mai lejere, mai comfortabile si practice si exprima starea noastra de spirit.
Sometimes Romanian, my mother tongue, is not fully able to describe certain states, things or actions. Summer for me is more than a season, it's a state of being, a way of life. For example in English, summer can be used as a verb - "to summer" in order to designate the place or the way you spend your time or your vacation. We live summer differently, we are more active in the summer, more sociable, more daring and this is reflected also in the way we dress. We don't hide underneath so many layers of clothing, we take better care of our bodies, either for health reasons, or out of vanity, and we are more relaxed.When we go to the pool or to the beach, the gym or simply going out with out friends, our sartorial choices are more light, comfortable and practical and they express our state of mind.Exact starea asta de vara am vrut sa o evoc atunci cand cei de la Iulius Mall Timisoara m-au provocat sa compun cateva tinute pentru noul lor catalog de vara. M-am gandit sa va propun cateva tinute pt plaja, sala de sport dar si tinute casual pe care le puteti purta atat in vacanta cat si la o iesire in oras. Recunosc, sala de sport mi-e putin straina, si cred ca se vede ca nu sunt tocmai in elementul meu atarnand de suportul ala pentru tractiuni, dar am vrut sa schimb putin rolurile si sa ma provoc sa ies din zona de confort. Asa ca modelele au pozat in posturi de yoga iar eu mi-am pus mintea cu aparatele. Costumele de baie colorate arata demential pe pielea bronzata, dar am propus si un costum de baie negru intreg si elegant, pe care il puteti purta seara cu o fusta la o petrecere la piscina. Pentru zi am ales o tinuta practica pentru cele pasionate de longboard, o rochie neagra vaporoasa si o salopeta multicolora de care m-am indragostit iremediabil.
Va invit sa rasfoiti catalogul online aici. Prietenele mele Laura, Adriana si Rox au participat alaturi de mine la realizarea lui, si sper sa va placa tinutele propuse de noi!
I wanted to express this exact state of summer when the team at Iulius Mall Timisoara challenged me to create some outfits for their summer catalog. I thought I would suggest some outfits for the beach and the gym, but also some casual outfits you could wear either on vacation or on a night out in the city. I have to admit, I am a stranger to the gym, and I think it shows in the pictures above that I am not quite in my element hanging there while trying to do pull-ups, but I wanted to reverse the roles and challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone. Therefore the models posed in yoga asanas and I gave the machines a try. The colorful swimsuits look awesome against the bronzed skin, but I also suggested a black elegant swimsuit you could also wear at night with a skirt at a pool party. For day wear I chose a practical outfit for the longboard enthusiasts, a flowy black dress and a multicolored jumpsuit that I hopelessly fell in love with.
Please see the full online catalog here. My friends Laura, Adriana si Rox also participated in the creation of this catalog and I really hope you will enjoy the outfits we proposed!
Wow, outstanding summer set.