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in this light and on this evening

i feel like a walking ad wearing h&m from head to toe. these are a couple of things i picked up in paris and though it wasn't my original intention to wear them all at once, it so happened. everybody knows i am addicted to h&m, and it's quite painful for me that they haven't opened a store here yet. i wore the dress before at a wedding and i paired it with white lace stockings, also from h&m. the shoes have been getting a lot of wear lately, as they go with everything. i am so in love with their olive shade. but the tights, oh the tights. aren't they fabulous? my legs have never been so beautifully adorned before. it almost looks like a tattoo. i just absolutely adore them. i wanted to wear something super special for their first outing and so this dress came into play. it seems i've been heavily attracted to greens ever since i dyed my hair orange. i think these two colors complement each other so nicely.

don't forget to sign up for the csn GIVEAWAY here :)

 dress, tights, shoes: h&m


  1. Amazing! I would kill for those tights!!

  2. Oh this look is wonderful! Your tights and shoes are perfect!

  3. Amazing outfit!!! I love the grey and the colour of your hair!!!

  4. Wow, I do love it. I do! You look so lovely. And as always, so in love with your hair! Yes, it looks great with green! And those tights: swoon. Ah, I wish there was an H&M near to me!!

    heart: Kimberellie

  5. love your haircolor and those tights!

  6. woooooooooooooooooowww, I'm in love with this look. So perfect O.O the dress, tights shoes O.O
    love it ^__^

