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Tom Tailor - store opening

last weekend i was invited to attend the official opening of the Tom Tailor store in Iulius Mall Timisoara. it was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the brand and their fall collection. it also gave me the chance to meet some of my fellow bloggers. it was super nice to meet these gals in person and hang out with them. we are quite a rare breed in our town, so we must stick together. and now, here comes a picture flood.

* i am wearing: blouse, skirt: thrifted * sandals: Jeffrey Campbell * bag: vintage

 with Laura of Living in a shoe
 Claudia - QWearty
 Cristina - 5 inch memories
  Cristina - 5 inch memories and Claudia - QWearty
 Laura - Living in a shoe
 Laura - Living in a shoe and Claudia - QWearty
 with Cristina - 5 inch memories and  Claudia - QWearty


  1. So, so great! I love your look!

    P.S: Ti-ai decolorat parul pentru a-l putea face culoarea aceea? E geniala!

    1. merci!
      da, l-am decolorat. curand movul va deveni tot mai deschis, va fi un fel de dégradé :)

  2. Ieeeei! :) vine si postul meu am avut timp :(

    Te pup, Miha! :)

  3. Super post :)! Sper sa mai avem parte de asa ceva si pe viitor.
