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The importance of being idle

Who could have imagined that the Delta would be the perfect place for me? I mean judging just by my tattoos (although inspired by the Japanese culture), you can tell that I would fit right in this environment abundant in water lilies and dragonflies. I am pretty sure that if I come back next spring I could find some cherry trees in bloom, and then the picture would be complete.

bathing suit, sunnier: H&M
shorts: Lulu's
hat: Meli Melo


  1. gorgeous photos dear!
    love the swimsuit.

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  2. WOW. Ce imi plac tatuajele:X unde le-ai facut? in Tm?

  3. Thx! Da, in Tm la Tavi Tattoo :)

  4. wow, I'm in love with you in these pictures! Everything is perfect: the outfit, the background, your attitude, love it all!
