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i love you but i haven't met you yet

you, yes you. we haven't met but still we know each other. i haven't met you but i feel like i know you. i know how you look at least, or how you dress. i know what you love/hate, what you eat and what you dream about, what makes you giddy and what makes you sad. you've told me, i've read it in your written words, i've seen it in your pictures, in your eyes. and all of you out there inspire me, you make me curious and you make me want to keep doing this. here's to all you wonderful beings reading these words, all you beautiful women and men writing fashion history every day of the week, out there on the city streets and not on the cover of the magazines. here's to you who are passionate about fashion and true to yourselves. consider this some sort of skinny buddha manifesto. and you know skinny buddha is all about love.

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