As promised, here are the photos from our photo shoot for the Fashion Fridays Fall Fair. My favorite thing about this event, besides meeting so many talented people, is getting pampered for the photo shoots and wearing outfits created by local designers. As mentioned in a previous post, Urban Decay provided us with the most amazing make-up products and Denisa made me look super glam. I absolutely adore this make-up. My outfit couldn't have been any less glamorous, so I was super excited to style this dress and skirt by V for Vladuta. The truth is I had a hard time choosing between the two, so in the end I decided to wear them both. I wore the golden dress as a top and I love how you can see a glimpse of it in the slit of the skirt. And isn't this an absolutely fabulous skirt? I love the drama of the floor length, the high slit on the leg and the stunning print. These two were a match made in designer heaven. Moritz Eis were kind enough to invite us for an exclusive tasting just one day before their grand opening. I fell in love with their blueberry ice cream. As always, my partner in crime was the beautiful Laura from Living in a Shoe.
Asa cum am promis, iata si pozele de la sedinta foto din cadrul targului Fashion Fridays Fall Fair. Ce-mi place mie cel mai mult la acest eveniment, pe langa faptul ca mereu cunosc noi oameni extrem de talentati, este rasfatul de care avem parte la sedintele foto si faptul ca purtam creatii ale designerilor timisoreni. Asa cum mentionam intr-o postare anterioara, Urban Decay de-a pus la dispozitie cele mai minunate produse de machiaj iar Denisa m-a facut sa arat super glam. Imi place la nebunie acest machiaj. Desigur ca tinuta mea nu putea sa nu fie si ea spectaculoasa, asa ca m-am bucura enorm sa pot purta aceasta rochie si aceasta fusta create de V for Vladuta. Adevarul e ca nu ma puteam hotari intre cele doua, drept urmare am ales sa le port impreuna. Am ales sa port rochia ca si top si imi place tare mult cum se intrezareste in slitul de la fusta. Si nu-i asa ca fusta asta este fabuloasa? Mi-a placut mult efectul dramatic creat de lungimea pana in pamant, slitul inalt pe picior si imprimeul. Astea doua piese au fost menite sa fie purtate impreuna. Cei de la Moritz Eis au fost super draguti si ne-au invitat la o degustare in premiera, chiar cu o zi inainte de lansarea lor oficiala in Timisoara. Sunt o fana a inghetatei si aici m-am indragostit iremediabil de cea de coacaze. Ca intotdeauna, partenera mea de incredere a fost frumoasa Laura de la Living in a Shoe.
dress worn as top, skirt: V for Vladuta
make-up: Denisa Puican Dinu
You look perfect every moment. Stunning makeup.