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Urban Decay fall essentials kit

Urban Decay fall essentials make-up kit

Urban Decay joined us at the latest edition of the Fashion Fridays Fair this weekend and they made our day more pleasant for sure. I was super excited to receive this fall essentials make-up kit and I couldn't wait to get home and try it. You already know I've been craving the Naked palette for quite a while, so you can imagine my joy and excitement. I cannot wait to share with you the results of our photo shoot where I wore an amazing outfit created by a local designer, but until then I will only reveal the make-up for the shoot, realized of course with Urban Decay products. It's always a pleasure for me to get my make-up done by Denisa Puican Dinu because the results are always spectacular. I'll let you be the judge of that. I always love a smokey eye but unfortunately it doesn't always look this good when I do it at home. I fell in love with this lipstick shade and I've got some great news for you: now you can download the Vice Lipstick app on your iPhone, take a picture and test all their lipstick shades. It's super fun, make sure you give it a try! I will conclude by saying a big thanks to Iulia for putting together yet another beautiful event, and for snapping these candids, and a thank you also goes out to Ancira Adeon for catching these shots while I was enjoying my cup of coffee.

Cei de la Urban Decay ne-au fost alaturi la aceasta editie Fashion Fridays si cu siguranta ne-au facut ziua mai frumoasa. M-am bucurat enorm sa primesc acest set ce contine cateva produse esentiale in culori potrivite sezonului si abia am asteptat sa ajung acasa sa le testez. Stiti deja ca imi doream de mult trusa Naked, deci bucuria a fost cu atat mai mare. Abia astept sa va arat rezultatele sedintei foto pe care am facut-o la targ cu tinute ale designerilor timisoreni, dar pana atunci va dezvalui doar machiajul efectuat desigur cu produse Urban Decay. E o placere sa ma las pe mana make-up artistei Denisei Puican Dinu, pentru ca rezultatele sunt mereu spectaculoase. Va las pe voi sa judecati. Imi place mult machiajul smokey dar din pacate mie nu imi iese intotdeauna asa bine acasa. M-am indragostit de asemenea si de aceasta nuanta de ruj si am o veste buna pentru voi: acum puteti da jos aplicatia Vice Lipstick pentru iPhone, faceti o poza si puteti testa virtual toate nuantele de rujuri. E super fun, incercati-o neaparat! Voi incheia prin a-i multumi Iuliei pentru ca a organizat si de aceasta data un eveniment minunat si pentru ca ne-a surprins in cateva ipostaze faine in timpul machiajului, si ii multumesc si lui Ancira Adeon pt fotografiile in care imi savuram cafeaua. 

Fashion Fridays Urban Decay Make-up

Urban Decay fall essentials make-up kit

Urban Decay fall essentials make-up kit Naked eyeshadow palette

Fashion Fridays Urban Decay Make-up

Urban Decay fall essentials make-up kit Naked eyeshadow palette

Fashion Fridays Urban Decay Make-up

Urban Decay fall essentials make-up kit eye shadow primer

Urban Decay fall essentials make-up kit vice lipstick lip pencil

Fashion Fridays Urban Decay Make-up

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